TLS support

Receptor supports mutual TLS authentication and encryption for above and below the mesh connections.

Configuring TLS

Add tls-server and tls-client definitions to Receptor config files.


- node:
    id: foo

- log-level:
    level: Debug

- tls-server:
    name: myserver
    cert: /full/path/foo.crt
    key: /full/path/foo.key
    requireclientcert: true
    clientcas: /full/path/ca.crt

- tcp-listener:
    port: 2222
    tls: myserver

Defining tls-server takes no effect, but it can be referenced elsewhere in the Receptor config file. In the preceding configuration snippet, tls in the tcp-listener is set to use myserver. In general, tls-server should be referenced anywhere Receptor is expecting an incoming connection, such as *-listener backends or on the control-service. Similarly, tls-client should be referenced anywhere Receptor is expecting to make an outgoing connection, i.e. *-peer backends or in receptorctl (the command-line client for Receptor).


- node:
    id: bar

- log-level:
    level: Debug

- tls-client:
    name: myclient
    rootcas: /full/path/ca.crt
    insecureskipverify: false
    cert: /full/path/bar.crt
    key: /full/path/bar.key

- tcp-peer:
    address: localhost:2222
    tls: myclient

myclient is referenced in tcp-peer. Once started, foo and bar will authenticate each other, and the connection will be fully encrypted.

Generating certs

Receptor supports X.509 compliant certificates and provides a built-in tool to generate valid certificates. Running Receptor with the cert-init, cert-makereq, and cert-signreq actions creates certificate authorities, make requests, and sign requests.

mkdir -p certs
receptor --cert-init commonname="test CA" bits=2048 outcert=certs/ca.crt outkey=certs/ca.key
for node in foo bar; do
  receptor --cert-makereq bits=2048 commonname="$node test cert" dnsname=localhost nodeid=$node outreq=certs/$node.csr outkey=certs/$node.key
  receptor --cert-signreq req=certs/$node.csr cacert=certs/ca.crt cakey=certs/ca.key outcert=certs/$node.crt

The preceding script will create a CA, and for each node foo and bar, create a certificate request and sign it with the CA. These certificates and keys can then create tls-server and tls-client definitions in the Receptor config files.

Pinned certificates

In a case where a TLS connection is only ever going to be made between two well-known nodes, it may be preferable to require a specific certificate rather than accepting any certificate signed by a CA. Receptor supports certificate pinning for this purpose. Here is an example of a pinned certificate configuration:

- node:
    id: foo

- tls-server:
    name: myserver
    cert: /full/path/foo.crt
    key: /full/path/foo.key
    requireclientcert: true
    clientcas: /full/path/ca.crt
      - E6:9B:98:A7:A5:DB:17:D6:E4:2C:DE:76:45:42:A8:79:A3:0A:C5:6D:10:42:7A:6A:C4:54:57:83:F1:0F:E2:95

- tcp-listener:
    port: 2222
    tls: myserver

Certificate pinning is an added requirement, and does not eliminate the need to meet other stated requirements. In the above example, the client certificate must both be signed by a CA in the ca.crt bundle, and also have the listed fingerprint. Multiple fingerprints may be specified, in which case a certificate matching any one of them will be accepted.

To find the fingerprint of a given certificate, use the following OpenSSL command:

openssl x509 -in my-cert.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha256

SHA256 and SHA512 fingerprints are supported. SHA1 fingerprints are not supported due to the insecurity of the SHA1 algorithm.

Above the mesh TLS

Below-the-mesh TLS deals with connections that are being made to an IP address or DNS name, and so it can use normal X.509 certificates which include DNS names or IP addresses in their subjectAltName field. Above-the-mesh TLS deals with connections that use Receptor node IDs as endpoint addresses, which require generating certificates that include Receptor node IDs as names in the subjectAltName extension. You can use the otherName field of subjectAltName to specify Receptor node IDs. The otherName field accepts arbitrary names of any type, and includes an ISO Object Identifier (OID) that defines what type of name this is, followed by arbitrary data that is meaningful for that type. Red Hat has its own OID namespace, which is controlled by RHANANA, the Red Hat Assigned Names And Number Authority. Receptor has an assignment within the overall Red Hat namespace.

If you use TLS authentication in your mesh, the certificates OIDs ( will be verified against the specified in the configuration file. If there is no match, the Receptor binary will hard exit. To avoid this check, visit the Skip Certificate Validation section for more details.

Skip certificate validation

You can turn off certificate validation by adding a skipreceptornamescheck key-value pair to your configuration. Depending on the specifics of your environment(s), you may need to add the skipreceptornamescheck key-value pair to the configuration file for tls-server, tls-config, or both. The default behavior for this option is false which means that the certificate’s OIDs will be verified against the node ID.

- node:
    id: bar

- log-level:
    level: Debug

- tls-client:
    name: myclient
    rootcas: /full/path/ca.crt
    insecureskipverify: false
    cert: /full/path/bar.crt
    key: /full/path/bar.key
    skipreceptornamescheck: true

- tls-server:
    name: myserver
    cert: /full/path/foo.crt
    key: /full/path/foo.key
    requireclientcert: true
    clientcas: /full/path/ca.crt
      - E6:9B:98:A7:A5:DB:17:D6:E4:2C:DE:76:45:42:A8:79:A3:0A:C5:6D:10:42:7A:6A:C4:54:57:83:F1:0F:E2:95
    skipreceptornamescheck: true

- tcp-peer:
    address: localhost:2222
    tls: myclient