Creating a basic 3-node network

In this section, we will create a three-node network. The three nodes are: foo, bar, and mal.

foo -> bar <- mal

foo and mal are directly connected to bar with TCP connections.

foo can reach mal by sending network packets through bar.

Receptor configurations

  1. Create three configuration files, one for each node.


- node:
  id: foo

- control-service:
  service: control
  filename: /tmp/foo.sock

- tcp-peer:
  address: localhost:2222
  redial: true

- log-level: debug



- node:
  id: bar

- control-service:
  service: control
  filename: /tmp/bar.sock

- tcp-listener:
  port: 2222

- log-level: debug



- node:
  id: mal

- control-service:
  service: control
  filename: /tmp/mal.sock

- tcp-peer:
  address: localhost:2222
  redial: true

- log-level: debug

- work-command:
  workType: echo
  command: bash
  params: "-c \"while read -r line; do echo $line; sleep 1; done\""
  allowruntimeparams: true

  1. Run the services in separate terminals.

./receptor --config foo.yml
./receptor --config bar.yml
./receptor --config mal.yml

See also

Configuring Receptor with a config file

Configuring Receptor with a configuration file

Connecting nodes

Detail on connecting receptor nodes